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Simmers Meetup 2015

On Saturday 1st August, the city of London held the Simmers Meetup, an event where Simmers from all the places were brought together to meet each other and share their passion for The Sims.

At the head of the organazation of the event we find Dan (BeyondSims), Maaike (anteriormente Platinum Simmers) and Rachael (Rachybop), who did a great job as everything went out perfectly.  


During the event and our stay in London , we have been filming and taking lots of pictures to show them to you all so you can have as much information about the event as possible. We have made three different videos:

Vlog from Luciap25


Coverage of Sims Vita



You can read the full article on issue 5 of Sims Vita Magazine.

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